Turbo - Ceramic coating

Starting at: $1.00

Get some ceramic coating (silver or black) done to your t3,t4, or t6 turbo. Look at the options below to get your turbo ceramic coated. You will have the choice of getting your exhaust housing coated or both your exhaust housing and your compressor housing.

The final option will be keeping your exhaust housing original or a BASIC smooth out. The BASIC smoothed out option is mainly for the silver ceramic option on the exhaust housing.

* You can always smooth out your parts yourself and have us just coat them!

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  • Model: turboCERAMIC
  • 99998 Units in Stock

Please Choose:

Exhaust Housing

Basic Exhaust Housing Smoothing

Compressor Housing

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 17 October, 2017.

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